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Strap-On-Me Silicone Squirting Cum Dildo - Getting Started Video Guide

Strap-On-Me Squirting Dildos are made for tons of sexy fun. Let Betty's Manager explain how to get started, and how to use these squirting cum strap-ons.

Video Transcript

Hi everybody it’s Carolyn. I'm the Manager at Betty’s and I'm going to teach you how to get started with your Strap on Me Silicone Cum Dildo. I know these things can be a little confusing, so let's go over how you're going to unbox it and get started using this.

So, this is the Strap on Me in the vanilla, and this is the Strap on Me in the black. You're going to open up the box. And what you're going to find is a silk storage pouch, which is great. It'll keep the lint off your dildo. You're going to find a little user's manual. The syringe is going to be off of it. It's going to be separate, and then you're going to have your dildo and it's going to be with the loose end, something like this (shows dildo).

First things first, you're going to want to wash this. So warm, soapy water, run it all through the dildo. And then with clear water, so you can rinse it all out and put it through the syringe as well. Because whatever's going to be in here is the potentially going in your body.

So, you want to make sure this is as clean as possible. Because it's silicone, it's non- porous, which is fantastic. It means that it's a really safe material to use, and you can clean it by boiling it. You can put it in the top rack of the dishwasher even, and you can use antibacterial soap and water, or you can use a toy cleaner.

So, you get this nice and clean, and then you're going to put the tubing just on the end like that, get it in there (puts syringe on tube). Nice and tight. Cause what's going to happen is once you fill it, this is a syringe. So, depending on how much force you use to depress the syringe, you want to make sure that this is on nice and tight and it's not going to pop off with the force that you're pressing into it.

Okay. So, it's nice and clean and you're ready to go. Now I would recommend using it solo or just taking it out of the box and experimenting with it before you try and use it with your partner.

The other thing is that the way that the base is made is it's got three different slits. And so, if you're not using it in a harness, you don't really have to worry about this next step, but if you're putting it in a harness, you're going to want to tuck the cord into one of the slips, get the tubing in there. Because what that does is it keeps the tubing from being crushed against your body when it's in a harness. And it means that the liquid is still going to come out.

The three different slits are actually something I've never seen before. It's an amazing feature. It means that depending on where you want the slits to be is where it's easier for the person who's going to be depressing the syringe. Do you want to have it more on this side? Do you want to have it more on that side or on the bottom? Or, you know, maybe you want the dildo to be this way because that's the way that it's going to stimulate your partner best. That's something that you might want to think of as well, but definitely if you're using it in a harness, make sure that you've got your tubing tucked away there so that there's nothing that's going to affect how the liquid comes out.

And how does the liquid come out you may ask? Really easy. I've put water in this one because it just makes less mess in the office when I'm doing demos. You can see, I haven't tucked the cord in. Okay. I should so that you can actually see how that works and you know that it actually doesn't stop the liquid from coming out. So, I've got my tubing on nice and tight. Got this ready to go and ready.

Woo. (squirts dildo)

See, there you go. It holds about an ounce of liquid which actually gives you a few good shots out of it.

Now, when you're done with it, what you want to do is take it all apart. You're going to flush it through with hot water and make sure it's completely clean. Like I said, I use water. We also have different realistic semen lubricants, like Spunk lube that you can use in these.

Can you use real semen? Yes, you can. Can you use a homemade concoction? I've heard of people wanting to use yogurt and things like that. You could, this will take it because you're forcing it through the syringe. The problem is if you're using anything like that in a product like this, anything that's caught up in here can get mildew. It can ruin the product, right? So, it's going to make it harder to clean if you're using a lubricant, you know, not a big deal.

If you're using real semen again, wash it really thoroughly, but this could make actually a fantastic and insemination product. You can replace this tubing, it'll come right out. You can also trim it down to the size that you want.

So, every time you're done using it, make sure that you flush it out really well with warm, soapy water, or you put it in the dishwasher. You give it another really good wash. Put the liquid to in the syringe and push it through there to make sure that all the tubing is going to come clean because you don't want any crusty, gross stuff to be stuck in here.

But this is a fantastic quality silicone. I'm really impressed with this product. And I think that all of you folks are going to have a whole lot of fun with this. So, there you go. This is the Strap on Me Silicone Cum Dildo, and you can get it at Betty’s.


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