Sexpert Spotlight Series With Joan Price
Author and speaker Joan Price calls herself an "advocate for ageless sexuality." She has been called other things by the media: "senior sexpert," "the beautiful face of senior sex," “the woman leading a sex revolution for seniors,” and—her favorite—"wrinkly sex kitten." Visit Joan's zesty, award-winning blog about ageless sex.
You are one of the leading voices writing and speaking about Senior Sex. We'd love to hear how you found your way to the sexual health part of the wellness industry.Love led me there! At age 57, I was a health & fitness writer, instructor, and public speaker – my second career after teaching high school English for 22 years. Artist Robert Rice, age 64, walked into the line dance class I was teaching, and I was in lust from the moment I looked into his ocean blue eyes. Our relationship became the great love of my life – and the sexiest. I tell the whole spicy story in my first senior sex book, Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty, which I wrote at age 61. I had no idea that I’d be embarking on a third career, the most exciting one. Now at 78, after four more books, countless articles, and an award-winning film on this topic, I am elated to be filling this need for senior sex education.
Have the 55+ crowd become more open to the idea of using sex toys and assistive devices in the bedroom?
If they follow me, they are! As I often say, “At our age, a well-chosen, well-placed vibrator may mean the difference between orgasm and no orgasm. It’s sometimes that simple.” I’ve been reviewing sex toys from a senior perspective on my blog for about 15 years.
Your book Sex After Grief is a wonderful resource for anyone exploring their sexuality after losing a loved one. Why do you feel this conversation is so important?
After I lost my beloved Robert to cancer, my journey back to accepting my own sexuality was a devastatingly difficult journey, even though I was a sex educator and knew the importance of staying sexually alive and healthy. Sex is a taboo topic in the grief books and support groups, usually not even mentioned. I saw the need for a book that was honest, straightforward, and compassionate, a book that told grievers they were not “doing grief wrong” whatever their personal timeline. I included my own journey and also the experiences of other grievers, because we all grieve differently and return to our sexual needs and desires differently. I’m very proud of Sex After Grief Navigating Your Sexuality After Losing Your Beloved.
What is your favorite lubricant for anyone experiencing vaginal dryness?
It depends! Are you using it with condoms? With silicone sex toys? Do you need extra cushioning or slickness? Do you want a flavored lube for fellatio? Do you enjoy a stimulating lube? Do you want the purest ingredients? There’s no “one lube fits all.” I suggest people educate themselves about what works with what situation, then purchase a high quality lubricant from a sex toy store, not a drugstore brand. That said, some personal favorite brands are Uberlube, Wicked Sensual, and Sliquid.
What do you enjoy most about what you do?
I love knowing that what I do makes a difference in people’s lives. When I do live presentations, I love the animation of the audience. I’m moved by appreciative emails from people who tell me that something I taught them enriched their sex lives or solved a relationship problem. I’m awed and honored by the responses I get from my readers.
What is the legacy you want to leave in the sexual health and wellness industry?
We are capable of great sexual pleasure throughout our lives. With an open mind, the right educational resources, a spirit of adventure, and a sense of humor, sexual pleasure is ours lifelong.
What is a little known fact about you?
If you haven’t met me in person, you’ll be surprised to learn that I’m only 4’-10” tall.
Where can our audience find you online?
My website has everything you need: https://joanprice.com/. You’ll find my books, film, blog, webinars, senior sex tips, links to social media, and more. I hope you’ll subscribe to my free newsletter at http://eepurl.com/cx2Nab.