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How to Use a Girth Enhancer with the Admiral Beaded Extender - Video Tutorial

Who wouldn't want to enhance their girth and stamina? Join Betty's manager and learn how to wear the Admiral Beaded Extender, made of silky, flexible, liquid silicone with a ball strap to keep it in place. You can find the Admiral Beaded Extender at the link below


Hey everybody, it's Carolyn from Betty's. Today we are going to talk about penis extensions and specifically this Admiral beaded penis extension, which I really love because it is liquid silicone, and that is awesome because silicone is a much happier, healthy material for you and for your partner. Silicone means that you can wear this to penetrate your partner vaginally or anally, and it's non-porous, so you're going to be able to get it super nice and clean and reuse it again and again and again. So, it's also super stretchy.

Okay, now this is the ball strap and this is the main body of the extension. You can see the liquid silicone has a lot of stretch to it, so I'm going to show you how you put one of these on and why something like this is so cool.

I'm going to take my handy dandy stunt penis here, and you can see it's already a little shiny. That's because I kind of cheated. I already put some lube on it. What you're going to want to do is you want to get your favorite water-based lubricant. I put a couple of squirts inside and then spread it around. Then I put a little bit on the penis. And you might also want to put some on your testicles because this is a testicle strap, and this really helps to keep an extension in place. Love it.

Okay, so what you're going to do, because it's so stretchy, you can turn it inside out, like a sock or something like that, and then you can fit it over top of the penis. Now, this is going to look a lot weirder than it would on your actual anatomy because I'm using a silicone dildo, so things are not going to slide maybe as well, but there you go.

Now you've got it on, and then you're going to gently put your testicles through the strap. And I'm not being gentle at all because this is not a real person, and this is going to help hold it on.

Now, I wouldn't recommend this kind of an extension if you have erectile dysfunction. If you can't get an erection, then this isn't going to hold you up as much as you need it to. But what it is going to do is give you a little bit of extra oomph.

The ball strap is going to help hold it on. And then now you've got this lovely extender that you can peek out the end. A really great thing about this kind of an extender, because you have lube in there, you're going to feel it moving a little bit. So, you're going to get some extra motion. Your partner's going to feel all these delicious bumps, but then you also get all the sensation in your tip. And it also means that you can still cum in your partner.

When you're going to take it off, you're just going to ease it off your testicles. And then it can roll practically inside out to get it to come off. And then you're going to clean it with either some soap and water or some antibacterial cleaner.

So, this is the Admiral Bead texture sheath. It's a fantastic little thing that can add a whole lot to your bedroom play. Its not super expensive and a really fantastic material as well. So that is how you use a sheath with a strap, and you can get it at Betty's.

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